The web-based application Rise 360 is billed as a course authoring tool, but this easy-to-use technology is an excellent resource to supplement online or hybrid courses. With the help of a learning designer, you can create a quick microlesson or short practice experience to enhance your course content with Learning Science-based interactive elements that help students test their understanding.
Here’s an example of what you can do in Rise 360. This demo lesson was built effortlessly with Rise’s straightforward system of stackable, flexible blocks for content, media, and interactive elements. The responsive product can be navigated easily by students, who can practice or test their understanding as they engage in the learning process.
A particularly appealing aspect of working with Rise 360 is that you can create mobile-friendly content for phones so that students can access it on an as-needed basis. This could be used for laboratory safety instructions, for instance, that students might consult when completing lab work.
For help with Rise 360 and Canvas, contact Stevie Rocco (sxr133@psu.edu) at the Dutton Institute.