Click on the name badge images to see the slide presentations for each of the technologies. If you have any questions or want to learn more about a given technology, please reach out to Stevie Rocco, Director of Learning Design, to schedule a consultation with our learning design team.
Adobe Spark is a suite of media creation apps for graphics, videos, and web pages. This can be used for content creation and student generated assignments.
Kaltura is a video creation, storage, and sharing platform - Turn a video into an interactive quiz!
Lightboard is a teaching and presentation recording tool. Available in the EMS Faculty Studio.
A Pen Display is a tool for creating and recording on-screen drawings and annotating complex images.
RShiny helps you turn data and analyses into interactive web apps.
Slack is an instant messaging platform where files, information, and messages can all be shared.
Snagit is a screenshot program that can capture images, video, and audio.

Turnitin is an online plagiarism detection service that can be used by students and instructors.
Zoom provides remote conferencing services - great for hosting online office hours and creating pre-recorded segments.