Teaching and Assessment Resources

Tools for Teaching

  • Ed Tech Advisor enables you to match your pedagogical needs to ed tech resources available at Penn State.
  • Tools for Teaching and Learning From the Schreyer Institute for Teaching and Learning at Penn State has a nice collection of resources.
  • Cooperative Learning: The Cooperative Learning Center provides a ton of great material about Cooperative Learning, including an overview.
  • National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science. A nice collection of resources, from articles to actual cases!
  • Video Lecture Debate: A summary of a discussion among members of the PSU Learning Design Community about video-based lectures (Annie Taylor, April 2011)
  • E3 Electronic Field Trips. A neat site from Ball State University and the Best Buy Children's Foundation. From the Website: "E3 Electronic Field Trips are a dynamic combination of live, interactive broadcasts and online curriculum meeting national teaching standards developed by teachers and content experts. They inspire children to explore new learning concepts and consider expanded career possibilities... (They) feature partnerships with many national institutions that provide students in K-12 classrooms extraordinary learning opportunities they would not otherwise be able to experience."

Study Skills

Assessment Resources


Student Peer Review

  • Calibrated Peer Review (CPR) is "an Internet based instructional tool that was developed at UCLA with support from the National Science Foundation. It helps students learn by writing, and it enables instructors to give frequent writing assignments without increasing the grading load. Originally developed to facilitate writing assignments in large chemistry classes at UCLA, Calibrated Peer Review is currently being used by over 200 institutions in areas ranging from English to Engineering."
  • Sample Peer Evaluation Form from Penn State World Campus.


e-Portfolios at Penn State is a centrally maintained web service for all e-portfolio developers at Penn State. Here students will find:

  • Information and advice regarding the collection, selection and reflection of their evidence,
  • Basic skills necessary to design and create webpages,
  • Penn State resources to help them with all aspects of developing their e-portfolio.