Syllabus Distribution to Students
A written syllabus (paper or electronic) must be distributed to students in each course before or during the first class meeting.
Syllabus and Paper Acknowledgement Forms
In an online course, the college recommends requiring all students to take an online quiz affirming they have read and understand the syllabus.
In a hybrid class, the college recommends that all students sign and return the Syllabus Acknowledgement Form during the first week of the semester. In addition, the College recommends the attached Paper Submission Form to have students take responsibility for papers/labs/homework completed as part of group work.
Accessible Syllabus and Documents
Any syllabus posted online (e.g. a Word/PDF file or an online syllabus) should make destinations clickable links such as you see throughout this page. Also, to comply with Penn State Policy AD69: Accessibility of Electronic and Information Technology, PDF documents cannot be the sole source of presenting online information. Such documents include syllabi, homework assignments, and scanned notes.
Syllabus Requirements and Recommendations
Each element of the Sample Syllabus below is marked as required, strongly recommended, or recommended. Strongly recommended elements represent college values or address issues that often lead to grade disputes if not spelled out clearly in the syllabus. Recommended items are helpful but may apply to some classes more than others. Examples and suggestions are in red, and notes to the instructor are in red italics. Please include in your syllabus all required elements that apply to your class. You may include any or all recommended items that apply to your class. You may want to customize the academic integrity statement, and if you have any synchronous course components, you must provide a plan in the Campus Closure section.
Sample Syllabus
Course Number and Title (strongly recommended)
Semester (i.e. Spring 2024) (strongly recommended)
Instructor (required)
(Name and contact information required)
Campus address
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
The Pennsylvania State University
- E-mail: (required) You may want to say, "Please use the Canvas course e-mail system."
- Phone: (recommended)
- Office Hours: (recommended if applicable)
The information below about responding to student e-mail and discussion posts is critical. Please consider your schedule and your teaching style and update accordingly. The details of your policy are not nearly as important as having a policy and making the students aware of it.
NOTE: I will read and respond to e-mail and discussion forums at least once daily during the workweek (Monday through Friday). You may see me online occasionally on the weekends, but please don't count on it!
Teaching Assistants (required if applicable)
(Name and contact information, required if applicable.)
Campus address
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
The Pennsylvania State University
- E-mail: (required) You may want to say, "Please use the Canvas course e-mail system."
- Phone: (recommended)
- Office Hours:(recommended if applicable)
The information below about responding to student e-mail and discussion posts is critical. Please consider your schedule and your teaching style and update accordingly. The details of your policy are not nearly as important as having a policy and making the students aware of it.
Sample Note
NOTE: I will read and respond to e-mail and discussion forums at least once daily during the workweek (Monday through Friday). You may see me online occasionally on weekends, but please don't count on it!
Class Meeting Times and Locations (required, if applicable, i.e hybrid classes)
Course Overview
- Include the course designation in the curriculum: (e.g. required in major or option, elective) and information about how this course fits into a major, minor, certificate program, etc. (required).
- Provide a short and engaging course overview here. This written statement can be brief if you have a course video.
- Explain how the course materials are relevant to the lives and future careers of the students.
Course Designation (recommended)
(designation in the curriculum e.g. required in major or option, elective)
Course Description (recommended)
Brief course description. It is recommended that you include the description from LionPATH. (Go to LionPATH then choose "Class Search.") Include information about how this course fits into a major, minor, certificate, option, elective, etc.
Prerequisites and Concurrent Courses (strongly recommended if applicable)
If there are prerequisites or concurrent courses, list them here.
You may also add the policy statement below. (recommended, if applicable)
Students who do not meet these prerequisites may be disenrolled according to Administrative Policy C-5 if they do not have the proper prerequisite override. If you have not completed the listed prerequisites, then promptly consult with the instructor if you have not done so already. Students who add the course after being disenrolled violate the Student Code of Conduct.
Every effort should be made to disenroll students before the start of the semester because if a student is disenrolled after the semester begins, the course will be counted as uncompleted, and could negatively affect the student’s financial aid.
Course Goals and Learning Objectives (required)
Course Goals
When you successfully complete this course, you will be prepared to: (e.g., list the course objectives and outcomes developed for the Penn State-required program assessment or ABET accreditation)
- describe
- cite
- explain
- analyze
- evaluate
Learning Objectives
Specific learning objectives are detailed at the start of each lesson.
Expectations (recommended)
Include an introduction that provides course details. Below are some elements you might want to include. An introductory video is recommended.
- As your instructor, I will provide support, guidance, communication channels, and feedback. I'm here to help you. To succeed in this course, you'll need to be engaged and active at least eight hours a week and log on 5 to 6 days a week to spread your study and thinking time out. Staying on top of deadlines and assignments, asking for help when necessary, and taking every opportunity to interact with the content and the instructor(s) will help you succeed.
- The class schedule is published below and in the syllabus tab.
- Specific learning objectives for each lesson and project are detailed in each lesson.
- Consider adding language to explain some things. What, exactly, does "complete the readings" mean -- have you offered guiding questions? Are students expected to take notes? Let students know you'll provide an orderly layout of what they are expected to do and when.
- Will you provide flexibility with rules that may disproportionately affect some groups?
- Consider adding a high-quality inclusive teaching statement here. You might begin with:
This is a class where all students are valued. This is a place where inclusive learning occurs. This is important to me because I believe no student comes here empty-handed. We all have valuable thoughts and ideas and deserve equitable treatment, courtesy, sensitivity, and respect. This is important because I want students to feel comfortable in this class. I want them to be free to participate and to learn. This is important because we do not all start on the same starting line in life. - Include a rationale, and tie your statement to a course goal/outcome. More information at15 Ways to Get Started with DEIB and Penn State Educational Equity.
Course Materials (required)
Required Textbooks (required if applicable)
List here and, if applicable, include a link to Barnes and Noble for textbook purchases.
Assistance with Textbooks (required if there are required textbooks)
Penn State honors and values the socioeconomic diversity of our students. If you require assistance with the costs of textbooks for this course, contact your academic advisor. For additional needs, related to socioeconomic status, please visit Project Cahir or visit the Office of Student Care and Advocacy at 220 Boucke Building or call 814-863-2020.
Recommended Textbooks (strongly recommended if applicable)
List recommended textbooks here, if applicable.
Reserve Materials and Location (required if applicable)
This course uses the library Electronic Reserves (E-Reserves). Information about accessing this content is available in your Canvas course space.
Online Course Content (required)
All (other) materials needed for this course are presented online through our course website and in Canvas. To access the online materials, you need to have an active Penn State Access Account user ID and password (used to access the online course resources). If you have questions about obtaining or activating your Penn State Access Account, contact the Penn State IT Service Desk for World Campus students or Penn State IT Get Support (for all other campus locations).
Assessment Policy (required)
Sample Introduction: Your work must be submitted in the proper format to the appropriate Canvas Assignment or Discussion Forum by the designated due date. I strongly advise you not to wait until the last minute to complete these assignments—give yourself time to ask questions, think things over, and chat with others. You'll learn more, do better...and be happier!
Required Written and/or Oral Assignments
- Summary of required problem sets, papers, oral presentations, etc. (strongly recommended)
- The weight given to assignments (required)
- The due date for each assignment (recommended)
- Course policy regarding late assignments (strongly recommended)
Examination Policy
- Summary of quizzes and exams (required)
- The weight given to each quiz or exam (required)
- Dates (and locations if applicable) for exams (required)
- Make-up exam policy (strongly recommended)
- Evening exam schedule (required if applicable)
Summary of Assessments (Example)
This course will rely on a variety of methods to assess and evaluate student learning, including:
- Type of Activity 1: Write a description of that activity here.
- Type of Activity 2: Write a description of that activity here.
- Type of Activity 3: Write a description of that activity here.
- Type of Activity 4: Write a description of that activity here.
Assessment | Percent of Grade |
Quizzes | 15% |
Lesson Activities | 20% |
Team Project | 10% |
Midterm Exam | 25% |
Final Exam | 25% |
Participation | 5% |
Due Dates (required for exams, recommended for other assignments)
You can provide specific due dates or a statement like the following:
Due dates for all assignments are posted on the Canvas Syllabus and the Canvas Course Calendar.
Make-up Examination Policy (strongly recommended)
Sample Policy: Make-up exams will be granted only through the approval of the course instructor for legitimate and excused absences. Prior notification and approval for a make-up exam must be obtained by the student at least 72 hours before the scheduled exam. Special circumstances will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Grading Policy (required)
I will use the Canvas Gradebook to keep track of your grades. You can see your grades in the Gradebook, too. Overall course grades will be determined as follows. Percentages refer to the proportion of all possible points earned.
Grading Scale (strongly recommended)
Letter Grade | Percentages |
A | 93 - 100 % |
A- | 90 - 92.9 % |
B+ | 87 - 89.9 % |
B | 83 - 86.9 % |
B- | 80 - 82.9% |
C+ | 77 - 79.9 % |
C | 70 - 76.9 % |
D | 60 - 69.9 % |
F | < 60 % |
X |
Unsatisfactory (student did not participate) |
Curving Policy (recommended if applicable)
Late Policy and Penalties (strongly recommended if applicable)
Sample Late Policy: I do not accept any "late work." In exceptional circumstances, you should contact me. The earlier you contact me to request a late submission, the better. Requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Generally, late assignments will be assessed with a penalty of at least 10% and will not be accepted more than one week after the original due date.
Extra Credit (recommended if applicable)
Course Schedule (Recommended)
See the Canvas Syllabus and the Canvas Calendar for specific lesson time frames and assignment due dates.
Week | Topic | Objectives | Assignments |
1 |
Orientation |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Getting Help
Class Support Services (recommended)
World Campus students have access to tutoring in math, writing, and some business classes through Penn State Online. Residential students have access to tutoring and guided study groups through Penn State Learning.
Technical Help (recommended)
- Online Course Content: If you have questions about the online course materials, please contact your instructor.
- Canvas: If you experience technology problems in Canvas, contact Penn State's IT Help Portal.
It is in your best interest to be as specific as you can. Vague descriptions of a problem only delay assistance; try to include information such as:
- the specific course page, quiz question, etc., you were on, what you attempted to do when that failed, and the exact language of any error message displayed on your screen;
- the date and time when your problem occurred;
- any other pertinent information (does the problem happen consistently and always in the same way, etc.). A member of the Help Desk will be in contact with you to offer assistance.
Course Policies (required)
Online Course Policies
For online classes, please provide a link to the Course Policies page, which includes all the policies required by EMS. You may also add to your syllabus any additional policies that apply to your class.
If you are teaching a hybrid course, some policies may need to be added, removed, or changed, so please discuss this with your learning designer. See example(s) below.
Hybrid Course Policies
Regular attendance is critical for building the skills and knowledge developed throughout the class. Students who participate have a more complete understanding of the material presented and are more likely to succeed in the class. The University recognizes that, on exceptional occasions, students may miss a class meeting to participate in a regularly scheduled university-approved curricular or extracurricular activity (such as field trips, debate trips, choir trips, and athletic contests), or due to unavoidable or other legitimate circumstances such as illness, injury, military service, family emergency, religious observance, participation in local, state, and federal government elections, or post-graduate, career-related interviews when there is no opportunity for students to re-schedule these opportunities (such as elections or employment and graduate school final interviews). In all cases, you should inform me in advance, when possible. Missing class, even for a legitimate purpose, may mean there is work that cannot be made up, hurting your grade in this class. Students who encounter serious family, health, or personal situations that result in extended absences should contact the Office of the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs (AVPSA) and Student Care and Advocacy for help. Be prepared to provide documentation for participation in University-approved activities, as well as for career-related interviews. You should submit a Class Absence Form to the instructor at least one week before the activity.
Disruptive Behavior
Behavior that disrupts normal classroom activities will not be tolerated per the Student Code of Conduct.
In the event of an evacuation, we will follow posted evacuation routes and gather at the Designated Meeting Site. Evacuation routes for all EMS buildings are available at Emergency Management Planning. For more information regarding actions to take during certain emergencies see the Penn State Emergency Action Guides.
Syllabus Disclaimer (strongly recommended)
Please note that the specifics of the Course Syllabus can be changed at any time, and you will be responsible for abiding by any such changes. All changes will be communicated via Email, course announcement, and/or course discussion forum.