If a student seems to have stopped participating in your course, does not respond to you, and their grade is reported as an “F”, their financial aid must be reviewed to fulfill the federal regulations of Return to Title IV funds (federal grants and loans).
When a grade of "F" is assigned, the Office of Student Aid must make a determination whether or not the grade was "earned" or the result of a student "walking away" from the class (ceasing enrollment) without taking the proper academic action (dropping the class).
Noting the student's Last Date of Attendance (LDA) in a class is a critical component in the federal review of a student record in the determination of student aid adjustments. The LDA should be recorded as the last day of participation in an academically-related activity. Simply logging in to the course isn't sufficient. The accurate reporting of student’s LDA, when assigning the “F” grade, supports the University’s responsibility in compliance with federal regulations.