Sponsored Workshops
“I didn’t know what to say!”: Managing Your Classroom Face-to-Face and Online
All instructors encounter challenging student behaviors at some point, whether that means chronically late arrivals or early departures; distracting use of mobile devices or side conversations; microaggressions, inappropriate comments, hostility, or harassment (student-to-student and/or student-to-teacher); or some other unwelcome behavior. How we as teachers deal with such behaviors will have major impacts on the learning environment. This workshop focuses on best practices and tools for addressing potentially disruptive behaviors in the residential and online classroom before, during, and after they occur-- without becoming part of the disruption yourself.
- Presenters: Deena Levy and Larkin Hood from the Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence
- Held on April 16, 2020 via Zoom
- Recording of “I didn’t know what to say!”: Managing Your Classroom Face-to-Face and Online (37:45)
- Handouts for “I didn’t know what to say!”: Managing Your Classroom Face-to-Face and Online
Dutton Food for Thought (previously Dutton Brown Bags)
Our professional development series, Food for Thought, is devoted to sharing ideas for effective teaching for all faculty in EMS. Whether teaching "on the ground" or online, participants walk out of these sessions with ideas they can implement immediately!

Ain't Misbehavin' - Or are they? Strategies for Managing Student Behavior
Proactive tips to prevent disruptions and how distracting, disruptive and dangerous behavior in your classes can be managed. Aslo discussed was how to refer/report incidents when necessary.
- Presenters: Anna Barone, Natalie Hernandez Depalma, and Karen Feldbaum
- Held on September 6, 2018)
- Recording of Ain't Misbehavin' - Or are they? (52:27)
- Slides from Ain't Misbehavin' - Or are they?
Accessibility: Optimizing Word and PowerPoint Files
Devoted to ensuring that your Word and PowerPoint files are fully accessible.
- Presenter: Brett Bixler from IT Training Services
- Held on May 31, 2018)
- Recording of Accessibility: Optimizing Word and PowerPoint (56:46)
- PowerPoint Slides for Accessibility: Optimizing Word and PowerPoint
Putting Pedagogy First: 20 Instructional Uses of Video
Exploration of twenty different ways that video can be integrated into your teaching - either online or in residence. Different approaches for creating videos and information about helpful Penn State video resources.
- Presenters: April Millet and Kay DiMarco from the Dutton Institute
- Held on April 20, 2018
- Recording of Putting Pedagogy First (52:51)
Simplifying Video Use in Canvas Using Kaltura!
Easy ways to incorporate video quizzes, screencasts and student projects in Canvas.
- Presenters: April Millet, Emily Baxter, and Jane Sutterlin from the Dutton Institute
- Held on March 22, 2018
- Recording of Simplifying Video Use in Canvas Using Kaltura! (44:10)
Gen. Ed. Recertification: Your Questions Answered
A panel presentation and question and answer session devoted to helping faculty prepare to recertify their gen. ed. courses.
- Presenters: Maggie Slattery from Undergraduate Education, and Jody Vender, Yvette Richardson, and Linda Spangler from the College of EMS
- Held on January 18, 2018
- Recording of Gen. Ed. Recertification: Your Questions Answered (34:02)
- Slides for Gen. Ed. Recertification: Your Questions Answered
Creating a Conscientious Culture in Your Classroom
Exploration of strategies and tools for potentially reducing the risk of student cheating in your courses by cultivating a conscientious culture in your classroom. Discussion of current research and practical tools and strategies for immediate implementation.
- Presenters: Emily Baxter and Jane Sutterlin from the Dutton Institute
- Held on November 8, 2017
- Recording of Creating a Conscientious Culture in Your Classroom (49:14)
Take Action on Infractions - Reporting Academic Integrity Violations in Your Class
A discussion of what to do if you suspect an academic integrity violation.
- Presenters: Members of the EMS Academic Integrity Committee
- Held on September 28, 2017
- Recording of a brief presentation by Yvette Richardson (18:46) outlining EMS and PSU policies and procedures for dealing with academic integrity violations.
- Presentation slides from Take Action on Infractions
Beat the Cheat!
Strategies for safeguarding your course from academic integrity violations.
- Presenters: Stevie Rocco, Allen Kimel, and April Millet, all members of the EMS Academic Integrity Committee
- Held on August 10, 2017
- Recording of Beat the Cheat! (60:01)
- Slides from Beat the Cheat!
Canvas Gems
Faculty and Learning Designers shared what they had discovered to be "Canvas Gems."
- Presenters: EMS Faculty and Dutton Institute Learning Designers
- April 27, 2017
- Recording of Canvas Gems (60:08)
Canvas - Get Your Course Up and Running in No Time!

Quick and easy ways to get your course up and running in Canvas.
- Presenters: Dutton Institute Learning Designers
- March 23, 2017
- The Canvas - Get Your Course Up and Running in No Time! (44:46)
Using Copyrighted Content in Your Course and Scholarship!
- Presenter: Brandy Karl, Penn State Copyright Officer
- November 19, 2015
- For more information on this topic, contact Stevie Rocco, Director of Learning Design at the Dutton Institute
Writing Effective Rubrics
Different types of rubrics and best practices for creating your own. Sample rubrics to adapt for use were presented, and there was a demonstration of the rubric feature in Canvas.
- Presenter: April Millet from the Dutton Institute
- October 27, 2015
- Resources mentioned in Writing Effective Rubrics
Understanding SRTEs
A question and answer session about the SRTEs and presentation of methods for using SRTEs to inform teaching. Ideas for presenting SRTEs to those in charge of evaluating teaching performance.
- September 2015
- For more information on this topic, contact Stevie Rocco, Director of Learning Design at the Dutton Institute
Why All This Talk About Accessibility? (May 2015)
Screen reader demonstration and question and answer session for all faculty who deliver content online through Drupal, Canvas, or any other platform.
- Presenter: Michelle McManus, Accessibility Consultant with ITS
- May 2015
- For more information on this topic, contact Stevie Rocco, Director of Learning Design at the Dutton Institute
Creating Effective Assessments (February 2015)
A hands-on training session on writing effective assessments. Discussion of best practices in assessing student learning.
- Presenter: Crystal Ramsay, Assessment Expert from Penn State's Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence
- February 2015
- For more information on this topic, contact Stevie Rocco, Director of Learning Design at the Dutton Institute
Accessibility and World Campus
A discussion of the process for students, typical accommodations and why they are necessary, available assistive technologies, and how to make a referral.
- Presenters: Anita Colyer Graham and Terry Watson from Penn State's World Campus
- January 2014
- For more information on this topic, contact Stevie Rocco, Director of Learning Design at the Dutton Institute